All the incorrect letters will be erased leaving only the part of your answer which is correct. Bonjour victor, the use of vous does not automatically mean formal it can also be used as a sign of respect. Le pronom interrogatif peut aussi agir comme subordonnant en rattachant une subor. Complter les phrases avec quel, quelle, quels, quelles 1. Quel, quelle, quels, quelles lawless french interrogative. Vous pouvez security settings do not allow web sites to use activex utiliser aide carnet jove tarjeta credito porque enfermera usan guante prevencion bso happy feet rio janeiro california. The elderly person will certainly use tu because of the childs age, but that doesnt mean theyll necessarily use informal language to go with it. Quel is an adjective, therefore, by definition, it agrees in number and gender with the noun it. This website and its content is subject to our terms and conditions.
Les adjectifs interrogatifs en espagnol colanguage. The interrogative adjectives quel quels quelle quelles must agree in number singular or plural and gender masculine or feminine with the noun that follows it. Complete avec ladjectif interrogatif quel correctement accorde. Informations sur interrogatif dans le dictionnaire gratuit en ligne anglais et.
Twitter share french exercise adjectif interrogatif. Mar 07, 2017 when asking someone to make a choice between two or more things, you need the interrogative adjective quel, meaning which or what. Quel, quels, quelle, quelles sont des pronoms interrogatifs. Quel, quelle, quels, quelles lawless french interrogative adjectives. Le trait dunion, ladjectif qualificatif, les indefinis, les possessifs, les demonstratifs, les relatifs adjectif. After you fill in a blank, click anywhere on the page to check your answer. I would expect this question using inversion syntax to be more like quel film voulezvous voir. Ladjectif interrogatif quel city college of san francisco. Ils saccordent en genre et en nombre avec le nom qui les. When asking someone to make a choice between two or more things, you need the interrogative adjective quel, meaning which or what.
Choisir le bon adjectif interrogatif dans le menu pour accorder. De ladjectif interrogatif quels, quelles de larticle defini le, la, les. Le mot interrogatif francais ayant les formes quel masculin singulier, quelle. Sigles et abreviations utiles dans le tableau suivant. Interrogatif traduction interrogatif definition interrogatif. Le mot interrogatif francais ayant les formes quel masculin singulier, quelle feminin sg. A travers cette petite lecon nous allons tapprendre les adjectifs interrogatifs en espagnol. Ladjectif interrogatif sert a interroger au sujet du nom quil determine. Quel quelle quels quelles adjectif exclamatif quelle belle journee. Like all french adjectives, quel has to agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. Singulier pluriel masculin feminin masculin feminin quelle. Click here to see the current stats of this french test. The french equivalent of which, quel, must be used whenever you are choosing between two or more nouns.
Beginning french student edition, 6th edition by evelyne amon and judith muyskens and alice c. Les adjectifs interrogatifs les adjectifs interrogatifs from lebaobabbleu exercices travailles en cours. Twitter share french exercise adjectif interrogatif quel created by valdyeuse with the test builder. Adjectifs interrogatifs adjetivos interrogativos j. Tes global ltd is registered in england company no 02017289 with its registered office at 26 red lion square london wc1r 4hq. Aug 05, 2015 ladjectif interrogatif quel atelier du francais. Lecon et fiches sur les determinants interrogatifs. Adjectif interrogatif masculin feminin singulier quel quelle pluriel quels quelles. A perfect example of this is an elderly person talking to a young child. En francais, les interrogatifs sont qui, quoi, quand, ou, quel, combien, etc.
Les pronoms interrogatifs et adjectifs interrogatifs. Les adjectifs interrogatifs francais pour debutants. Bien dit 1 chapter 7 section 1 learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. Apprendre a identifier les determinants interrogatifs. Les adjectifs peuvent etre suivis dune preposition. Title adjectifs et pronoms interrogatifs exercices author. Adjectifs et pronoms interrogatifs interrogatives in french. Quel, quels, quelle, quelles quel, quels, quelle, quelles sont des pronoms interrogatifs. Completez les questions avec des mots forex currency exchange interrogatifs. Jan 30, 2019 in french, however, one does not have this option. Scroll down to the bottom to see our table with all the forms of quel.